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The Quiet Spell

Not long after I started my InArCreMo project of trying to get 50 art pieces done in 30 days, I sort of disappeared from my sites and severely decreased my social networking in general. This post is about the why of it.


Health Don’t Care Anymore

I have five drafts of healthcare blogs written over the past several months. I decided instead of making researched arguments which were all but impossible to make accessible, I’d just do a quick blog on my thoughts and conclusions.


The Tyranny of Circadian Normalcy

The world has a rhythm. You wake at sunrise, you sleep soon after sunset. With the advent of clocks, most people’s lives are regulated to meet an 8am-ish to 5pm-ish local time work schedule. Since the bulk of the population are either naturally early risers or can adapt to that with no great hardship, the world has standardized, for the most part, on this sort of workday plan.


Fixing America’s Health-care System

The time has come with health care reform to take a step back, look at the expectations and how we can use what is already in place to get us to our goals, and then get all “mavericky” and get the job done right. It might hurt for an instant, just a little pinch, but we’ll be happy we did it years down the road.