The Third Millennium Touchstone
Time was that if you had to find a phone number, you checked your Rolodex. If you needed to see if you had …
Read more...Time was that if you had to find a phone number, you checked your Rolodex. If you needed to see if you had …
Read more...Once they start talking, will we ever get them to shut up? I mean, people have tried altering my programming to stop …
Read more...This is what happens if you take equal parts A Christmas Carol and It’s a Wonderful Life and set it in Ireland with the protagonist being a doctor who has sworn off love and is instead becoming married to her career.
Read more...Charles Dickens’ story, A Christmas Carol, has been done, re-done, re-imagined, re-gurgitated, re-thought, and just generally re’d. It’s easy to get jaded about it. What a wonder it is to be presented with what I consider to be the definitive filmed version.
Read more...Who is Catherine Weaver? Yes, we know that she’s a mimetic poly-alloy (MPA) terminator who is wanting to help John defeat Skynet, but who is she?
Read more...The mud-puddle that sucking at my shoe is this question: What, exactly, is so important about Weaver’s John that Sarah’s John can’t win the war without em?
Read more...When I sit back and look around our world at all of the mundane stuff we take for granted, I can’t help but be amazed. So many things were only in the wild imaginations of science fiction writers—not centuries ago, but within my own lifetime. What a wonder it all is.
Read more...The Connors manage to prevent the creation of Skynet. Policies are put in place to prevent any A.I. from having complete control of military resources. All personnel and terminators sent to the past from different timeline(s) are killed in their own fashion…all except one: Cameron Phillips. If victory is gained and Cameron survives, what becomes of her?
Read more...When exploring the world of Terminator, specifically Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TTSCC), you have to bump your head against the elephant in the room: Judgment Day (JD). But…if it’s averted, how will anyone know?
Read more...Welcome to a special podcast for Season 2, Episode 4 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Allison From Palmdale”. This is meant to be played along with the episode video (cuing instructions are at the beginning of the podcast).
Read more...Piecing together actions, words, and clues to try to figure out the core threads of John and Cameron’s relationship in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles