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I spent part of the afternoon working out the properties of a cone without using references other than remembering the requisite formulas regarding circles and right triangles. (Yes, I do stuff like this for fun. #dontjudgeme)


When Life Gives You Lemons, Monetize the Lemonade

In “There is no ‘free’ lemonade: In giving drink away, girls ignore rules of economics — and sum up what’s wrong with U.S.”, writer Terry Savage takes to task three young girls (plus nanny) for setting up a lemonade stand and then giving away–not selling–their wares. I must admit, I’m torn by the two views of the world, the two mindsets, this conflict represents.


Because I Can’t Not Write

As a result of my Connor Wars project, I often get asked, “Why?” What do I expect to get out of writing more than a season’s worth of scripts for a show that doesn’t exist anymore?


Writing is Tiring

Since the middle of April, I’ve been spending my free time (and some of my not-so-free time) writing The Connor Wars. I’ve never had so much fun writing in my life, but even I have to admit


Once a Photographer…

Today I re-donned my photographer’s cap. Last week, Tess* asked if I’d take some headshots of her for various purposes. I, being a push-over whenever a DLT asks me for just about anything, of course said, “Sure.” After all, I’d done a bit of actor/model promo photography back in the day.