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Religious Freedom?

Lots of self-identified religious folk in the U.S. whine about religious freedom…or rather how they are being persecuted/denied that freedom. They don’t …


Grasping For Sanity in a Nation Gone Mad

I’ve written a number of articles that haven’t been put out for public consumption. You see, when the world goes mad, it can be like a minefield when you try to shine a light on it. You are never completely sure when you might take a wrong step and have everything blow up in your face. And yet, silence isn’t a viable option.


Vases – A Poem

This is sort of like a free-verse haiku (jiyuritsu haiku) though it even stretches that definition. Sometimes what you want to say defies a format you typically use.


Let’s Talk “Que Será Serees”

Barring disaster, my science fiction novel, Que Será Serees, will be released in early May. It is being prepped to be available for sale both in a print version and an ebook version for the Kindle so you’re free to pick your preferred format.


Lobbyists Lobby For Lobbying

Long time readers of this blog know that I place a heap of blame on lobbyists for the ills of this country. So, excuse me for not shedding any tears when lobbyists complain that President Obama is severely limiting their access.