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family, Page 2

I Like Social Networking

Whether it’s something new like MySpace or Facebook, or ancient like ROS or Fidonet, social networking has been a part of my life for a long time. I think it might be the best application for


Why Chrismukkwanzolstivusuledays Matter

The shopping crush. The mounting credit card bills. Traffic jams. Filled parking lots. Screaming kids. Carols repeating over and over. It seems like every December we feel we have to endure so much, and for what?


Praying For Troeesha

Scarlet* texted me this afternoon. She said that because of a blood flow issue, the doctors were going to induce Scarlet on Tuesday instead of letting her soldier on to full-term at the end of the month. If prayer is something that you do, please pray for the best possible outcome.


My 2008 Cornucopia of Thanks

2008 has been a year of re-emergence. After a few years of enduring my father’s decline with an undignifying illness, my immediate family and I have had a year to discover what the world is like when it is what we make of it. So, my first serving of thanks goes to


Once a Photographer…

Today I re-donned my photographer’s cap. Last week, Tess* asked if I’d take some headshots of her for various purposes. I, being a push-over whenever a DLT asks me for just about anything, of course said, “Sure.” After all, I’d done a bit of actor/model promo photography back in the day.


A New Marriage Proposition

I was talking to my brother about how the Black and Latino communities in California scuttled the gay marriage issue with Proposition 8. While we were discussing the you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-stab-yours aspects of this dirty business, he proposed this: remove marriage from being a government consideration for everyone.


I’m Not a Phone Person

Some people spend hours each day on the telephone, chating and bonding and doing all those other things that modern people do with that technology. For some reason, I don’t seem to be one of those people. (more…)


Third Millennium TVs

This past week has found the family entering the twenty-first century in terms of television: that’s right, we now are finally switching …


A Wee Bit of Rest

Finally, a little bit of rest. With my dad’s illness, work, and trying to catch up on all the house maintenance I …


The Care and Feeding of Vegetarians Over Thanksgiving and Beyond

With Thanksgiving in the U.S. coming nigh, I just wanted to mention somethings to all of you well-meaning cooks trying to accommodate your vegetarian kith and kin. This is not intended to be all-inclusive, but I’ve been a vegetarian since about 1980 and trust me, this stuff comes up more often than you’d think.


Adopting Family – Sharing the Joy of Love

Though I’m close with my parents and my brother, I never thought I’d be so happy to also consider myself adopted. To all you who think you’ll never find love, all I can say is be patient (clue…I’m in my 40s, so it took a fair amount of patience) and be open…you never know.