The Annoying Test Question
Back in the way back, I, like everyone else, had to take a lot of standardized tests in school. Actually, 99th-percentile me tended …
Read more...Back in the way back, I, like everyone else, had to take a lot of standardized tests in school. Actually, 99th-percentile me tended …
Read more...We do a lot of thing wrong in America compared to other countries. Treating our kids like automatons or pieces on a …
Read more...One of the things that really irks me is unabashed hypocrisy. Take, for example, the recent report that a growing number of conservatives are increasingly distrustful of science. Fine. Distrust science; you can believe what you will. All I ask is that you stand by your convictions and stop using this science that you find so onerous.
Read more...“Our space program is one of the things that makes us great, that sets us far apart from other productive countries, that …
Read more...All my adult life, I have avoided applying any political litmus test when choosing candidates for office—especially for Congress or the Presidency. I held that people running in an election should be evaluated by the balance of their stands on issues, not focus in on just one small area. My stance on this has now changed.
Read more...Like many of us have been saying, it boils down to this: expect excellence and know that regardless of any nascent talent, …
Read more...Ben Bernake is correct that the economy is stratifying, but can’t see that education is largely irrelevant as a practical reason for the dangerous economic condition of the US.
Read more...If you care about education, you really need to hear what Sir Ken Robinson has to say. Whether or not he’s correct is not for me to say, but his arguments are sensible and it’s clear that what we are currently doing isn’t working…in fact, it’s doing the opposite.
Read more...Good speech. Some of her points are a little naïve, but you’d expect that from someone coming out of the American education …
Read more...Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.
Read more...There are more than three million teachers in the United States, and Doug Lemov is trying to prove that he can teach …
Read more...A lengthy, but important, examination of the adjusted-for-inflation economic reality of what used to be a healthy American middle class. (via Daily …
Read more...Michelle Obama, First Mom of the United States (and gracious First Lady, as well), spoke with kids (and parents) about how important it is to instill a sense of personal responsibility about life and education early.
Read more...It’s hard to find good help. Ever since I was seated as Emperor Overlord of the United States, I’ve been trying to upgrade my middle-management team. The new hires are now settling into their jobs, so here are a few suggestions to get them started:
Read more...As with the weather, many people complain about the state of education but don’t really offer up suggestions for changing it. Here’s one proposal to overhaul the current system.
Read more...Should Americans-specifically American children-become bilingual, and if so, then what language(s) additional to English should they learn? Does it add value to their lives in any practical way?
Read more...How old am I? I remember when there weren’t any electronic calculators. I remember when the mathematical shortcut of choice was the slide rule (I still have two of them available should a massive EMP wipe out all electronic access). Then came the late-mid 70s. My dad brought home one of the first electronic calculators, an
Read more...Today, I was standing in line at the store. There were a few people behind me, and one pair was talking. One of them started a sentence with, “If we can send a man to the Moon…” Argh. Oh, how I hate hearing that phrase. I didn’t used to, twenty-to-thirty years ago.