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Software: The Regulator 2.0 Regex Tester

The Regulator is a Windows program whose sole purpose is to test and learn and use regular expressions. Regular expressions are a way to describe how to search for text–and optionally to do a replacement or several. They can be daunting at first, but once you


Foreclosing on the Fourth Estate

I’ve never been much of a newspaper reader. I am a news reader, however. A better method of delivery than RSS, but just as easy and common, would fit those of us who simply can’t deal with the unwieldiness and expense (economic and environmental) of paper.


I’m Still Doing Yearbook

It has been said that if you truly enjoy what you do, then no job is work. I’m not sure I’d go quite that far. No matter how much you like doing something, there are going to be times when it’s a slog. Still, the spirit of the saying is true enough. If you find something that you love to do, you just want to keep doing it.