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Terminators and Dogs

I’ve been thinking about how the ability of dogs to detect terminators is both a good thing and a bad thing for story. It’s obviously well-established, but does the idea need a little tweaking?


Things That Have Made Me Happy

Once you’ve lived long enough, and have a lot of memories in the ol’ grouch bag, it’s hard not to pause every now and then to consider that unique collection that adds up to your life. Like you, I have a variety of event-mementos good, bad, and hard to define. Mostly, though, I prefer to pull out those things that still make me smile.


Some Dogs I Know

When I was a little little kid, I had a number of dogs in succession. I loved my dogs, but one event or another would conspire to me having to lose my canine companions. Since my parents weren’t really big with the whole pet thing, it finally got to the point where they were no longer a part of our house. Even so, they were still part of my life.