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Healthcare, 3-d, and Still Writing

So much happens in the world. Everyday. There’s a person ready to either stand up for a cause or stamp it out for just about every event that happens. Some big, some small. Some should be no-brainers, some should be ignored at all costs. This post is about none of that. Just a couple of things on my mind at the moment.


Please, Correct Your Aspect Ratio

OK, this is driving me nuts. People, attend to your aspect ratios. I’m sick to death of 16:9 (widescreen) videos being scrunched to 4:3 (normal). Though it happens a little less frequently, stretching 4:3 vids to fit 16:9 is just as awful.


Obama’s First Policy Stumble

It’s amazing. President Barak Obama didn’t even last his first week before one of his boneheaded policy desires started fast-tracking through Congress. Though seemingly innocuous to some, the push to delay the digital television transition is capricious and ill-advised.


Tips From an Erstwhile Photographer

I was once a professional photographer. From about 1983 through 1990, I made my living taking pictures of sports, corporate events, and just about anything else that happened my way. During that run I picked up a few things here and there that seem to always come in handy. The principles remain the same even when the tools evolve.


Third Millennium TVs

This past week has found the family entering the twenty-first century in terms of television: that’s right, we now are finally switching …



I was reading a story about how this computer from 1985 was becoming a museum piece, and couldn’t help but chuckle to myself about how times have changed. Like many who will read this blog, I started playing with computers when I was a kid…