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Living In The Science Fiction World

When I sit back and look around our world at all of the mundane stuff we take for granted, I can’t help but be amazed. So many things were only in the wild imaginations of science fiction writers—not centuries ago, but within my own lifetime. What a wonder it all is.


Sex and the Single Cyborg

In a world where the machines are in charge, the old ways of making babies are dead. The intelligent machines will want to continue their reign. Being made out of metal and all…how are they going to do that? How could they possibly be fruitful and multiply?


Skynet Prevails, Victory is Won!

It took almost thirty years, but the inevitable war of attrition finally resulted in Skynet breaking the fighting will of the humans. The cost to robotics was high but proved to be sustainable in the end. Skynet can finally relax. To what end? With the war over, what’s next on Skynet’s agenda?


The Necessity of Leaving Earth Within 2 Billion Years

The timeline for human life is finite. If we don’t kill ourselves off, or totally deplete our planet, then we have only about 2+ billion years to find a way to continue on with our species. That’s much shorter than is often thought, so we clearly must adjust our timetables for the need to develop a means to not only live outside our solar system, but our galaxy.