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MS 5000 keyboard and mouse

Microsoft Wireless Comfort 5000 Desktop (Keyboard and Mouse)

When I was forced to finally upgrade my computer, I found myself also having to upgrade my PS2-connector-ed keyboard of many years. The keyboard I received with the system left much to be desired. It was definitely not designed with a writer in mind. I went shopping and found what is perhaps the most comfortable keyboard I have ever used for writing: the featured player in the Microsoft Wireless Comfort 5000 Desktop.


For Want of a Couple of Gibibytes

It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, computer-wise, here at the casa. My main machine has started showing its age and I’ve been forced to put it on blocks for a while to see if I can get it back to its usual self. In the meantime, I’m having to do my work on my laptop — which beats not having a computer at all, n’est ce pas?.


An Idea For Naming Planets, Stars, and Galaxies

I agree with the idea that we need a new way to name celestial bodies that helps the public feel a bit more in touch with the cosmos. We have two major problems with that now: the vast number of objects, and the limited number of thematic names we’ve traditionally used.


I Like Ubuntu

I’ve gotten to use a lot of operating systems over the past few decades. Some I like, some…well, not so much. In recent years I’ve come to like Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular. Maybe you should give it a try, too.


Healthcare, 3-d, and Still Writing

So much happens in the world. Everyday. There’s a person ready to either stand up for a cause or stamp it out for just about every event that happens. Some big, some small. Some should be no-brainers, some should be ignored at all costs. This post is about none of that. Just a couple of things on my mind at the moment.



Regardless about how I feel about any Apple computers post Apple ][, this commercial is about as good as it gets. Thank you Steve Jobs.


Was It Easier Being a Kid?

I was watching some children in the neighborhood playing. Some were doing something with a ball. Others (this was weird) were sitting at the curb texting. Now, while I’m happy that they are apparently at least somewhat literate, at least enough for texting, I couldn’t help but wonder if something gets lost?


Living In The Science Fiction World

When I sit back and look around our world at all of the mundane stuff we take for granted, I can’t help but be amazed. So many things were only in the wild imaginations of science fiction writers—not centuries ago, but within my own lifetime. What a wonder it all is.