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When Life Gives You Lemons, Monetize the Lemonade

In “There is no ‘free’ lemonade: In giving drink away, girls ignore rules of economics — and sum up what’s wrong with U.S.”, writer Terry Savage takes to task three young girls (plus nanny) for setting up a lemonade stand and then giving away–not selling–their wares. I must admit, I’m torn by the two views of the world, the two mindsets, this conflict represents.


Full Prices, Please

Even if we don’t admit it, at some point just about everyone with a television will watch one of the 1/2-hour product infomercials. You can’t help it. They suck you in. The thing I hate is how they subtly suck your wallet.


Packages By The Door – Griping About UPS and USPS

I’m really annoyed with two out of our three primary delivery services when it comes to packages. This is up from the one delivery service I’ve had a problem with since moving to New Mexico. Back then, I had more options, but absent Airborne Express, DHL, and some niche carriers, I’m now left with the big three: FedEx (Federal Express), UPS (United Parcel Service), and the USPS (United States Postal Service). The two carriers that don’t happen to have FedEx as their name irk me more often than not.