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Rebooting Wonder Woman?

The surprising geeky news of the week came with the announcement of a planned reboot of the Wonder Woman franchise, not as a movie but as a television series. The latest development golden boy is hyphenate, David E. Kelley. You know that I have some thoughts on this.


Anime On My Mind

I’ve had anime and manga on my mind, lately. I’ve been watching shows and drawing images in this distinctive style quite a bit in the past month or so. I can’t put my finger on why, exactly, except that I’ve been a fan of the style since its early days in America.


Boomerang Character – Buffy Summers

A boomerang character is one you keep returning to as: new stories arise, new incarnations are presented, or you revisit their previous adventures as comfort food. These characters are iconic. They resonate. In this installment: Buffy Summers.