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The Connor Wars F0305 – “Mrs Worthington’s Formal Tea”

Here is the fifth installment of the Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going regardless of what happened with the suits at FOX.


T:TSCC 0222 – Born to Run

The second season finale of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles gave fans a couple of answers, a lot of almost answers, and a great big ol’ pile of possibilities for Season 3 and beyond.


T:TSCC 0222 Fancast – Born to Run

Welcome to this week’s podcast for Season 2, Episode 22 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: “Born to Run”. This is meant to be played along with the episode video (cuing instructions are at the beginning of the podcast).