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Sir Ken Robinson – Changing Education Paradigms

If you care about education, you really need to hear what Sir Ken Robinson has to say. Whether or not he’s correct is not for me to say, but his arguments are sensible and it’s clear that what we are currently doing isn’t working…in fact, it’s doing the opposite.


I’m So Tired of Congress

It’s hard to believe, but earlier in my lifetime the folks in Congress actually tried to govern. Really. As time has gone on, it stopped working. Compromise ceased to be. Over the past few decades, the power brokers have managed to cripple a critical piece of American government. I’m sad to see it happen.


The Unplanned Host Swap

On the evening of September 7, 2009, the domain was taken offline–without warning–by its web host. September 8 saw me sign on with a different web host.


Updating English (again)

Strict grammarians aside, I like to think that many people understand that English is a vibrant and adaptive language. We’ve entered into an amazing era of linguistic experimentation and adaptation. To that end, I’d like to once again throw in my 2¢ worth


A New Movie Rating System

Since 1968, the U.S. has had a rating system for theatrical movies. These ratings are of dubious value as they are vague and often tainted by politics or studio pressure. Given the forty years of experience we now have, I think it’s time that we re-examine how we rate our movies.


Season 3 For Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Can Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles avoid the cancellation block and get renewed for a third season? Despite what some of the knee-jerk naysayers are naysaying, I believe that FOX still has reason to stick with the show provided a few small changes are made.


Genderless Pronouns – Ey, Em, and Eir

English changes all the time. Our standard pronoun structure has served us well, but it does have weaknesses. It’s time that we fill the gap of not having a non-gendered pronoun. Whether in academic writing, or just because we want to be inclusively generic, ey/em/eir fit the bill easily.


Living In The Science Fiction World

When I sit back and look around our world at all of the mundane stuff we take for granted, I can’t help but be amazed. So many things were only in the wild imaginations of science fiction writers—not centuries ago, but within my own lifetime. What a wonder it all is.


President Obama, Give Us a Yard and We’ll Take a Meter

For all intents and purposes, the United States stands alone in relying on an inefficient and antiquated measurement system. For decades the cry has been that it will be too expensive or too inconvenient or too confusing to change to the worldwide metric standard. With the current economy in dire straits, can we really afford this ridiculous policy? Not only does it makes us look like provincial boobs, but (and this will get people’s attention) it costs us money. If ever there was a golden time to attack the problem with a bold mandate for change, this is it.


When is Judgment Day?

When exploring the world of Terminator, specifically Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TTSCC), you have to bump your head against the elephant in the room: Judgment Day (JD). But…if it’s averted, how will anyone know?


Tears and Pride For America

I’m not a big Obama supporter. I haven’t been from the start. But tonight, when the country spoke with a loud voice that they not only wanted change, but they wanted a black man to lead them…I’m not ashamed to tell you that tears streamed down my face.


Fixing America’s Health-care System

The time has come with health care reform to take a step back, look at the expectations and how we can use what is already in place to get us to our goals, and then get all “mavericky” and get the job done right. It might hurt for an instant, just a little pinch, but we’ll be happy we did it years down the road.


Oh, If The Founders Only Knew

Slowly, ever so slowly (well, quicker in the past seven years, but mostly it’s slowly), the office of the president has become less executive and more strongman. Congress needs to grow a pair and get some of its constitutional power back.


Trying To Make English Easier

Every generation finds English being tested by the young (and smart-asses, let’s be fair). It keeps the language vibrant. Plus, English does have bits that could deal with some tweaking. Though I’m no longer young (but I am the other thing), I’d be remiss in not mentioning some tweaks of my own.


Some Jury Changes

Surely, in all of the years of our constitutional government, we can come up with a few new, and possibly better, ways of conducting jury trials. We now have technologies the founders could scarcely have imagined. Why not make it work in the cause of justice? Here are a couple of ideas.