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4 Ways to Improve the WNBA Video Experience

When you can’t go to a game, you have to find it on some channel or on the Internet. The WNBA continues to work at bringing its games to fans across the country and the globe. They’ve done well, but they could do better.


Swirling Tides of Media Change

The Internet continues to force content creators and IP-hoarders to re-imagine the future of their business models. The trouble is…no one knows where it’s all heading.


I Want a DVR to Die For

I love DVRs. They shame VCRs. Unfortunately, almost all DVRs come with shortcomings. That’s unfortunate since they could be, in the words of Barney Stinson, “Legen–wait for it–dary”. If I were able to get the one that I want, this is the one that I want.


Let’s Calculate Television Program Ratings a New Way

The time has come to stop depending on the statistical few to have the same tastes as the variety of viewers across the country. When they are picking from half-a-dozen choices, that might have had some merit, but when picking from about 1,000 choices, those 5,000 Nielsen families seem woefully under-representative. With just a new twist with available technology, there can be upwards of 200,000,000 votes as to what is worthy of being on the air and what isn’t. Whether watched live on DTV, or a week later off your laptop’s hard-drive, you can tell the powers that be that you are watching.


Rec’ing on…The Holiday Drought

This is the time of year when a huge hunk of my fellow countrymen and countrywomen plop themselves down in front of a TV for a hefty helping of sports. Bowls. NFL. NBA. No problem! Women’s sports? [crickets]