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Revisiting Old Daunts

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we all have “ordinary” situations that we consistently find intimidating or overwhelming–events that stress you out even when you only think about doing them. I know I’ve got a couple that rear their heads from time-to-time.


Sad News: Albuquerque Tortilla Gobbled Up

The local Albuquerque Tortilla Company (ATC) that, in my not so humble native New Mexican opinion, made the only store-bought flour tortilla that could be described as something worth eating has been bought out by multinational GRUMA, S.A.B. de C.V. (Monterrey, Mexico), sellers of Mission Tortillas


Should We Tweak the WNBA’s Branding?

The past couple of years in the WNBA have been interesting in a tummy-flopping way. Players are moving hither and thither at an astonishing rate. Some wonder if this might actually be hurting interest in the league by weakening its brand.