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At a Loss

I’ve been somewhat at a loss for topics to write about. We are currently in the middle of general election season — with all the silliness that goes along with that. As a result, it’s not like I’m lacking for fodder in that area from which to base blog posts. And yet I feel like I’m in the middle of the desert.


Happy 15th Anniversary to CJCS.COM

On April 2, 1997, I was issued the domain. It was in the neighborhood of the millionth domain, depending on how you choose to reckon these things; more than likely it was a smidge over that. In the fifteen years that have followed, this little domain has seen a lot of data get posted and read. It seems a good time to reminisce about it a little.


Writing New CJCS WordPress Themes

On my websites, I try to focus much more on content than the facade. Don’t get me wrong — I do think presentation is important. Generally speaking, though, once I have a satisfying theme set up I’m not apt to make any significant changes for a while. It seems that the time for change is nigh.


The Blog-slowdown Dog Days of Summer

A few of you have told me you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting to the blog as often as you’d become accustomed to. That’s totally mea culpa. I got enough piled on my life-plate that I needed to find some slack somewhere.


TIB @ 1 E+3

Some thoughts on TIB with this, the one-thousandth entry. I’ve written a lot of words here over the years.


The Quest For Audience

If a blog/vlog/podcast/tweet/update is posted on the Internet, and no one is around to read/see/hear/re-tweet/like it, does it make an impact? Well…no. Clearly not.


Books I Loved Growing Up

My take on this week’s group blog topic: Book(s) that I loved growing up. Those tomes that were read over-and-over until their spines broke and my eyes bleared.


Dear CJ, 1979

My take on this week’s group blog topic: A letter to me on my high school graduation day. With the world before me, waiting to conquer it, what could I possible tell then-me that would be helpful?


ESPN’s New Media Slamdown

ESPN finally issued their Guidelines for Social Networking for, “All ESPN Talent, anchors, play by play, hosts, analysts, commentators, reporters and writers who participate in any form of personal social networking that contain sports related content.” Frankly, I’m agog at what they came up with.


Foreclosing on the Fourth Estate

I’ve never been much of a newspaper reader. I am a news reader, however. A better method of delivery than RSS, but just as easy and common, would fit those of us who simply can’t deal with the unwieldiness and expense (economic and environmental) of paper.


Therefore I Blog – A Lot

I got an email from a relatively new subscriber who said that she noticed that my byline was on every article. She wondered if I’d actually written everything or if I was just taking the credit. The story?


Thinking About “New Boobs”

On her profile on a popular social networking site, a 20-something actress/writer/humorist/cool person directed her friends to get more info on her “new book, new shows, new movie, new boobs”. Needless to say, that’s been quite the attention-grabber. I mean, who doesn’t want to know more about the new book, the new shows, and the new movie? Even so, I think I’m going to go down the road less traveled and concentrate on the “new boobs”.