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MPAA Still More Rigid About Dirty Words Than Violence

The latest brouhaha facing the questionable practices of the MPAA when it hands out ratings has once again come to the fore. This time it’s with assigning an “R” rating to The King’s Speech mostly, if not entirely, based on one small section were curse words are uttered.


Is 3-D a Fad or a Stepping Stone?

It’s all the rage. All the cool studios are doing it. What’s not to like about 3-D movies and TV? Well, a lot, but I just don’t want to be a naysayer. It’s possible that 3-D will stick around this time for it to develop into something still only seen in SF movies.


The Quest For Audience

If a blog/vlog/podcast/tweet/update is posted on the Internet, and no one is around to read/see/hear/re-tweet/like it, does it make an impact? Well…no. Clearly not.