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Being Other In Times Of Pain

I’ve mentioned before that I have aspects of my personality that are very likely due to some degree of Asperger’s syndrome. For many things, especially knowledge-based things, these quirks are actually kind of nifty. But there’s a flip-side that rears its head that puts me separate from what I see in others


Revisiting Old Daunts

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we all have “ordinary” situations that we consistently find intimidating or overwhelming–events that stress you out even when you only think about doing them. I know I’ve got a couple that rear their heads from time-to-time.


The Confused Weird Kid

You know that weird kid you knew back in school? Well…I was that kid. I didn’t mean to be the weird kid, that was just how it was. Of course, if I’m being honest, I don’t think I ever really grew out of it.