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WNBA 2010 – Can the Sparks Make the Playoffs?

This has been a very strange season for the Western Conference in the WNBA. Most years, you’d be saying that this team was definitely going to the lottery. But this isn’t most years. Los Angeles still has time to make the playoffs. The question is: do they have it in them?


Yeah, About Those Zombies

Y’all know I’m a geek. I’ve been a geek–and also a nerd (it varies)–for a very long time. Most, if not all, geeky/nerdy types have blind spots within our own culture. For me, it’s zombies.


Some Championship Series Tweaks

Playoffs are interesting things. Ostensibly, they exist so that the best team will eventually prevail. But, all too often, in some playoff schemes teams that are undeserving get in. In others, a lucky score determines the champion. Every year, it seems, some situation arrives that makes me wonder if there might not be a better way.


When I tried out, I wasn’t expecting that it would be anything more than another Twitter app that had marginal utility. It surprised me. has helped streamline some of that flood of info in a way that I find efficient and accessible


Stuff (via squid314)

As has oft been said: the difference between good fiction and real life is that good fiction has to make sense. squid314: …


WNBA 2010 – All-star Feistiness From Orender

Perhaps the best part of the WNBA “Stars at the Sun” weekend was WNBA President Donna Orender’s press conference. What made this one notable was that Ms Orender’s smiling, optimistic face gave way to that of a league president bristling over some of the obstacles she’s had to strain against.


Should We Tweak the WNBA’s Branding?

The past couple of years in the WNBA have been interesting in a tummy-flopping way. Players are moving hither and thither at an astonishing rate. Some wonder if this might actually be hurting interest in the league by weakening its brand.


Is 3-D a Fad or a Stepping Stone?

It’s all the rage. All the cool studios are doing it. What’s not to like about 3-D movies and TV? Well, a lot, but I just don’t want to be a naysayer. It’s possible that 3-D will stick around this time for it to develop into something still only seen in SF movies.


The Reach For a Star Products

My signature tag since about the mid-90s is a little something I came up with: “It’s hard to reach for a star and still keep your shirt tucked in.” That’s something that just begs to be put on a mug or a t-shirt. Well… now it is.