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Scrumtrulescence: 3 Women of Sci-Fi (Blonde Machine Edition)

There are some characters that simply rise above fanboy adoration. They become more than the genre. As a result, they enter in the public consciousness. These icons are usually human, but some bring an element of the machine to the party as well. Here’s a look at three blonde, blood and bolt females who are part of that legacy.


Holiday Watch: A Christmas Carol (1984)

Charles Dickens’ story, A Christmas Carol, has been done, re-done, re-imagined, re-gurgitated, re-thought, and just generally re’d. It’s easy to get jaded about it. What a wonder it is to be presented with what I consider to be the definitive filmed version.


Holiday Watch: The Christmas Card

Cody Cullen is a soldier who returns from his latest tour to find the setting for an anonymous Christmas card he received while in-country. His adventure grows when he’s smitten by Faith Spelman; the woman who, unbeknownst to him, also happens to be the writer and sender of that card. What could go wrong?


Re-evaluating the TSA Problem

A lot has been written recently about the invasive searches being conducted by the TSA on presumably innocent travelers wanting to board a commercial airplane. Much of what has been said has focused a lot on what was being done without much talk about how else we could tackle the security issue.


MPAA Still More Rigid About Dirty Words Than Violence

The latest brouhaha facing the questionable practices of the MPAA when it hands out ratings has once again come to the fore. This time it’s with assigning an “R” rating to The King’s Speech mostly, if not entirely, based on one small section were curse words are uttered.


CJ’s Faux Beef Gravy (Vegetarian)

One of the things that tends to go missing in a vegetarian diet is beef gravy (yeah, go figure). Generally speaking, this isn’t a problem, but if you have something like mashed potatoes, you can start feeling like the odd person out.


The Voting Conundrum

Being that I’m a “does it have to be a box” sort of thinker, I’ve long struggled with how important voting is. Is majority rule actually the best way to do things?


Sir Ken Robinson – Changing Education Paradigms

If you care about education, you really need to hear what Sir Ken Robinson has to say. Whether or not he’s correct is not for me to say, but his arguments are sensible and it’s clear that what we are currently doing isn’t working…in fact, it’s doing the opposite.