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Building Codex’s Staff with Felicia Day

Felicia Day helps out Greg Aronowitz in building a replica of the Codex staff (from The Guild and the music video “Do You Want to Date My Avatar”). Lots of great tips and the always worth watching Felicia Day.


Botox Is a Thief

When I watch television and movies, I feel cheated. I tune in wanting to watch my favorite actors ply their art to their full ability. All too often, now, I don’t get to see that performance.


“Incredible Girl” Funding

On occasion, I like to support projects of people I’ve come to know and like. Aurora is trying to fund her short film, Incredible Girl, and is seeking investors. You don’t have to have a ton of cash, either. Anything from $5 to $5,000 will be appreciated–though, to be fair, more money invested gives you more perks.


Reflection On An Old TSCC/TCW Blog Rumor

Back in August 2009, while I was writing The Connor Wars, a blog post appeared on the interwebs that made some interesting claims about TCW and how TPTB were aware of it. The blog disappeared and with it links to the info that people sometimes ask me about. But nothing ever truly disappears anymore…


Flash TV Review: The Cape

NBC premiered its new superhero show, The Cape, in a two-episode push. Did they succeed in creating a graphic-novel milieu sufficient to keep people tuning in week to week?



Sometimes happy accidents create brand new words that fill and hitherto unnoticed gap. Such is the case with “studpidity”.


2011 (celluloid blonde)

How can anyone who’s been paying attention not agree with Max? Seriously…when a country starts passing draconian “Patriot Acts” and creates a …



I spent part of the afternoon working out the properties of a cone without using references other than remembering the requisite formulas regarding circles and right triangles. (Yes, I do stuff like this for fun. #dontjudgeme)


I Don’t Believe, But I Still Have Faith

I like to think I have an inquisitive and rational mind. Many around me with a similar bent are content with thinking that life is just what it is. Nothing more. As closely as I toe that line of reason, the fact is that I simply can’t bring myself to go all the way to eschewing any thought of something more regardless of the lack of incontrovertible evidence.


Star Trek Series I Have Loved

I grew up with Star Trek. I’ve faithfully–sometimes out of love, sometimes inertia–watched all of the other series as well. They all have had their moments. Sadly, they also have had their stumbles. Here are my thoughts on each.