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Was It Really the “Play of the Game”?

You’ve seen it in just about every sporting event on TV: the Play of the Game. Usually it’s the “[insert sponsor name] Play of the Game”. Fundamentally, it’s a nice, potentially inoffensive diversion to offer up the fans. A defining moment of the event. Or is it?


“Switched at Birth” After the Summer Finale

I’m a fan of the ABC Family series Switched at Birth (In Praise of “Switched At Birth”). Now that the 10th and final summer episode has been shown I thought I’d share a few thoughts. (This first season has received an extended order of 22 more episodes, making a 32-episode first season.)


Validation and Social Networking

Various social networking schemes have come and gone over the years. One thing remains constant: letting people feel they are members of a community and not simply free-content producers.


Glitch Patching

Brief downtime on July 16, 2011 of all WordPress sites due to a code bug in one of the WordPress routines. A quick patch was spackled on and everything seems to be back up again. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Personal Financing the Federal Budget

With trillions of dollars of spending, revenue, and debt, it can be tough to have more than a theoretical handle on what all this Federal Budget nonsense is all about. Why don’t we scale it down a bit so we can get a better grasp on what the “fine folk” in Washington are doing.


TweetDeck – My Wishlist

After much searching, I long ago settled on TweetDeck as my primary Twitter app. Though useful, it’s not perfect. Here are some suggestions for features that would enhance the experience.


WNBA 2011 – The July 5 Kristi Toliver Incident

Women’s Basketball isn’t exactly the genteel sport that some portray it as. In the WNBA, elbows fly and sometimes they connect. Such was the case when Los Angeles guard Kristi Toliver and Phoenix guard Ketia Swanier battled for the ball during the run of play of a tight game.


Should Cable “News” Be In Courtrooms?

And yet another sensationalized trial has come and gone. A significant faction of the public will be incensed. If not naturally, then fueled by the opinionated back-and-forth by fervent cable “news” commentators. We need to make this go away.


Revisiting Old Daunts

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we all have “ordinary” situations that we consistently find intimidating or overwhelming–events that stress you out even when you only think about doing them. I know I’ve got a couple that rear their heads from time-to-time.


In Praise of “Switched At Birth”

Some programs grab you right away…at times, even before they air. Switched At Birth was that for me. Still, new programs are a crapshoot. Even if you watch for an actor or a premise, the fact is that you never know what you are going to get until you see it. Now, two episodes in, I have nothing but


How I Became 100 Artists – TED

The TED talks are invaluable to giving access to the worlds of the creative and innovative. This talk and slide show by Shea Hembrey is nothing short of inspiring to any artist…and he was 100 of them! What does this mean? You’ll have to check it out.


WNBA 2011 – How Will It Shake Out?

It seems sort of silly, really, to try to figure out end-of-season standings before any real games have been played. So now, with every team having at least two games on the board, it might be a bit easier to make some picks.