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Science In Action

There is still a lot of buzz going on about the announcement from CERN over the possibility that they had detected neutrinos traveling faster than the unfettered speed of light. Whether or not the results overturn that element of relativity is neither here nor there. The thing that does matter is that it shows the world how science works.


The Blog-slowdown Dog Days of Summer

A few of you have told me you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting to the blog as often as you’d become accustomed to. That’s totally mea culpa. I got enough piled on my life-plate that I needed to find some slack somewhere.


Being Other In Times Of Pain

I’ve mentioned before that I have aspects of my personality that are very likely due to some degree of Asperger’s syndrome. For many things, especially knowledge-based things, these quirks are actually kind of nifty. But there’s a flip-side that rears its head that puts me separate from what I see in others


I Now Have a Political Litmus Test

All my adult life, I have avoided applying any political litmus test when choosing candidates for office—especially for Congress or the Presidency. I held that people running in an election should be evaluated by the balance of their stands on issues, not focus in on just one small area. My stance on this has now changed.


Let’s Speed-up Spacecraft Development Without Rushing

Following the failure and crash of a Russian Progress M-12M cargo vehicle, there has been a lot of alarmist rhetoric about the future of the ISS as well as American spaceflight capability. Let’s take a step back to look at the situation without a “sky is falling” mentality.


Forum in Transition

The Forum has been locked, i.e. made read-only. The reason: I’m planning on changing my default forum. Since there isn’t a quick-and-dirty way to move the data from the old forum to the new, I’m keeping the old one available so those interested can still read the posts.


The WNBA’s 8-second Backcourt Problem

Referees in the WNBA will blow their whistle for a violation of the 8-second backcourt rule when they see the 24-second shot clock hit 16. It seems logical. After all, 24-8 = 16. But that’s wrong in this context.


Big Bang Prevention

A quick exchange of dialog popped into my head that was begging to be shared. I’m not saying how true this is, but I will say that the 80s documentary, Revenge of the Nerds, may have set some unrealistic expectations.


New Mexico’s Emerald Fruit

For those of us whose local ancestry goes back to colonial days, chile is part of who we are. This year’s chile crop has been outstanding…and we are basking in its quality.


4 Ways to Improve the WNBA Video Experience

When you can’t go to a game, you have to find it on some channel or on the Internet. The WNBA continues to work at bringing its games to fans across the country and the globe. They’ve done well, but they could do better.


Some Fond Convenience Store Memories

Back in the long-time-ago, when I worked at 7-11, I tried to have fun where I could. Working alone on the graveyard shift afforded me a certain amount of latitude when it came to whimsy. For example


Killing Time With “Switched at Birth”

I do something that is common to a lot of writers: when I’m not writing on one of my own projects, I often spend some of my free time working on fantasy projects. These projects are ones that for various reasons I can’t take on as my own. Right now, I find my imagination has been captured by the new show, Switched at Birth.