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Page 16

Vases – A Poem

This is sort of like a free-verse haiku (jiyuritsu haiku) though it even stretches that definition. Sometimes what you want to say defies a format you typically use.


The Quiet Spell

Not long after I started my InArCreMo project of trying to get 50 art pieces done in 30 days, I sort of disappeared from my sites and severely decreased my social networking in general. This post is about the why of it.


Grrr…. spambots

Starting to get a lot of spambots registering on the site. It’s taking time every day to clean up. If it continues, …


Not a Fashion Plate

For much of my life, it seems, many people have had an opinion on my personal style (or lack thereof). One of the perks of getting older is that as each decade goes by, the comments have grown fewer. I don’t think it’s because people’s opinions have weakened, I think they either have given up hope or have reluctantly accepted my little eccentricities.


Why Occupy Wall Street Matters — If It Lasts

Many questions have been raised concerning the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests and camps that have spread across the country. In a nutshell, these questions seems to boil down to: “So what? A lot of people are camping out and whining…therefore I ask again, so what? Why should I care? Why does the OWS movement matter?”


Having the Courage To Follow Your Heart

Should you, as Steve Jobs said, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”? What if everyone did that? Or is this just a philosophy applicable only to those who successfully completed this journey?


I Like Ubuntu

I’ve gotten to use a lot of operating systems over the past few decades. Some I like, some…well, not so much. In recent years I’ve come to like Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular. Maybe you should give it a try, too.