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Snippets, Page 2

A short post or comment (well, for me) about some topic that doesn’t warrant a full blog article.

Why Does CJ Wear Glasses?

Eyeglasses are a marvelous invention. When they are matched to one’s own eyes, the results can be nothing but spectacular (which is related to “spectacle” which leads us to “eyeglasses”…language is nifty like that). My life would be so different without these wondrous bits of glass/plastic.


Getting WordPress Excerpt Text to Post in Google+

I was getting very annoyed with Google+ whenever I’d link to an article on my blog. Instead of showing either the excerpt or the first “x” words of the article text, I’d see instead other administrative text from the source code. A little bit of coding fixed that up quickly and nicely.


Vases – A Poem

This is sort of like a free-verse haiku (jiyuritsu haiku) though it even stretches that definition. Sometimes what you want to say defies a format you typically use.


Some Fond Convenience Store Memories

Back in the long-time-ago, when I worked at 7-11, I tried to have fun where I could. Working alone on the graveyard shift afforded me a certain amount of latitude when it came to whimsy. For example


“Incredible Girl” Funding

On occasion, I like to support projects of people I’ve come to know and like. Aurora is trying to fund her short film, Incredible Girl, and is seeking investors. You don’t have to have a ton of cash, either. Anything from $5 to $5,000 will be appreciated–though, to be fair, more money invested gives you more perks.



Sometimes happy accidents create brand new words that fill and hitherto unnoticed gap. Such is the case with “studpidity”.


Great Firefly Comment

Seriously, what is it about science fiction shows getting really good in their third seasons? If this is actually a general rule of science fiction, I’m a little scared to imagine how


Yeah, About Those Zombies

Y’all know I’m a geek. I’ve been a geek–and also a nerd (it varies)–for a very long time. Most, if not all, geeky/nerdy types have blind spots within our own culture. For me, it’s zombies.


The Kaylee and Anya Doppelgänger

Ever since the FBI arrested members of an alleged (at this time) Russian spy ring, pictures of one of them, Anna “Anya” Chapman, have been released and they keep making me do double-takes. Why? Because she’s a dopplegänger for the actress Jewel Staite, who played Kaywinnet Lee “Kaylee” Frye in the series Firefly.