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Musings, Page 8

Stuff that just crossed my mind

Those Rings

What’s the deal with those diamond engagement rings? I just don’t get it. And no…dealing with it is not a first-person problem I’ve ever had nor am I likely to have. I think my biggest confusion is the term itself: engagement ring. To me, that sounds like it’s a


Let’s Rename “New Mexico”

I’ve thought about this for quite a while. The name of the 47th state of the union, New Mexico, needs to be changed. Why? First, it’s a little awkward…all those syllables. More, it encourages the on-going


Smilin’ and Grinnin’

I find one of the most confounding things in language right now is how people use the words “smile” and “grin”. It doesn’t happen often, but we seem to be at a stage where how people use words in practice is at odds with how they are defined.


The Joy of Haiku

I like poetry. Not all poetry. I’ve never really been a big fan of free-verse, for instance; it seems more like prose than true poetry. In fact, I tend to prefer the more structured forms (yes, even limericks). So it’s really no surprise that the form I’ve embraced the longest has been haiku.


Planet, Planet, Burning Bright

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) submitted a proposal for the definition of a planet to its membership. No everyone was happy with what they came up with, including me. Here is my take on the silliness and my own attempt at a definition.