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Musings, Page 4

Stuff that just crossed my mind

Quick Thoughts on WordPress 3.0 Beta

A few days ago I installed the current beta release for WordPress 3.0 (WP3), which is scheduled for general release in the next few weeks. I wanted to see what the “gotchas” might be as well as get a head start on getting my themes up to snuff. Here are some of my impressions with getting things up and running.


Swirling Tides of Media Change

The Internet continues to force content creators and IP-hoarders to re-imagine the future of their business models. The trouble is…no one knows where it’s all heading.


Sex After Marriage

My take on this week’s group blog topic: Sex After Marriage…or this misconception among men that all women lose interest in sex after marriage.


If I Had a Billion Dollars…

You’ve just been handed a billion dollars. You’ll never have to work again. Problem is, now you have unlimited time on your hands. How do you choose to spend your days?


Updating English (again)

Strict grammarians aside, I like to think that many people understand that English is a vibrant and adaptive language. We’ve entered into an amazing era of linguistic experimentation and adaptation. To that end, I’d like to once again throw in my 2¢ worth


Believe – Part 3, Having Vision

Any intelligence is effectively useless without an ability to perceive that which is external to the intelligence. The key to vision isn’t the how of image gathering, but the processing and interpretation of the images gathered.



You all know that I enjoy haiku. Several years ago, I found that haiku fit very well within a text message…so well in fact that I almost prefer it. And it turns out that it fits well with Twitter’s tweets, too. But are haiku too last millennium for us?


Is It Now Time For Blipverts?

This past television season has seen an amazing shift in the entertainment viewing landscape. Due to a ripening of a variety of media, we have finally entered the nirvana of on-demand entertainment. The question is: how to monetize it?


Will Ayla’s Adventure Ever Conclude?

I’ve been a long-time fan of Jean M. Auel’s Earth Children series of books: The Clan of the Cave Bear (1980); The Valley of Horses (1982); The Mammoth Hunters (1985); The Plains of Passages (1990); and The Shelters of Stone (2002). As this was supposed to be a hexalogy, and we currently only have five published titles, the question many fans have been asking is: “When will the 6th book be coming out?”


Was It Easier Being a Kid?

I was watching some children in the neighborhood playing. Some were doing something with a ball. Others (this was weird) were sitting at the curb texting. Now, while I’m happy that they are apparently at least somewhat literate, at least enough for texting, I couldn’t help but wonder if something gets lost?


Foreclosing on the Fourth Estate

I’ve never been much of a newspaper reader. I am a news reader, however. A better method of delivery than RSS, but just as easy and common, would fit those of us who simply can’t deal with the unwieldiness and expense (economic and environmental) of paper.


Tips For Being a Good Manager

Like many of you, I’ve had many different jobs in my life and I’ve had many people in the workplace I’ve had to answer to. Like some of you, I’ve been in that other place…being the person in charge of others. Whatever side of the relationship you are on, it’s an interesting ride.