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Musings, Page 10

Stuff that just crossed my mind

The Dreaded Holiday Question

I got hit last night with that most dreaded of holiday questions. The one that sparks fear and terror in even the stoutest of souls. The question that causes tongues to tie and brains to seize. A query so insidious in meaning and yet so innocent in tone.


Some Jury Changes

Surely, in all of the years of our constitutional government, we can come up with a few new, and possibly better, ways of conducting jury trials. We now have technologies the founders could scarcely have imagined. Why not make it work in the cause of justice? Here are a couple of ideas.


Some Dogs I Know

When I was a little little kid, I had a number of dogs in succession. I loved my dogs, but one event or another would conspire to me having to lose my canine companions. Since my parents weren’t really big with the whole pet thing, it finally got to the point where they were no longer a part of our house. Even so, they were still part of my life.


Musing on…”Lou Gehrig’s Disease”

For as long as I can remember, whenever the media refer to ALS, it’s almost immediately followed with some form of: “Also known as ‘Lou Gehrig’s disease’.” I was just thinking that shouldn’t it be about time that that the “Lou Gehrig” part be dropped?