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TSCC, Page 2

Posts related to the television series, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

The Connor Wars Writer’s Room 34 – Ask Your Questions in the Comments

As I expected, with the finale being posted, there are a lot of questions getting asked. Many of them I’ve expected. Some are new. Since I’m now in a place where there aren’t spoilers I need to be wary about, please ask away. It can be about the finale or anything about the series. I’ll answer what I know in soon-to-come posts/vlogs/podcasts.


The Connor Wars F0322 – “No One Is Ever Safe”

Here is the season-finale twenty-second installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 3 fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going.


The Connor Wars F0319 – “Any Blame or Fault”

Here is the nineteenth installment of Terminator – The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 3 fanfic that picks up where the second season finale left off. I was so enthusiastic about the possibilities presented when the season ended that I just had to keep it going.