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Gov’t and Politics, Page 3

A New Marriage Proposition

I was talking to my brother about how the Black and Latino communities in California scuttled the gay marriage issue with Proposition 8. While we were discussing the you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-stab-yours aspects of this dirty business, he proposed this: remove marriage from being a government consideration for everyone.


No More Stimulus Packages, U.S. – Try Sound Money Management

I just read an article about how both the Congress and the Bush Administration (with the blessing of Fed Chair Bernake) want to issue another “stimulus package” to strengthened the economy still reeling from the credit crisis that, it was said, required $700 billion to avoid collapse. Let’s make this simple: it’s a bad idea.

First—and this is key—our political


Hoover? Really? Is That Your Best Dig?

Does John McCain understand at all that by trying to taint Barack Obama by using references to Herbert Hoover he’s accomplishing absolutely nothing? I’m older than Obama (just), I love American History, and even I know almostbupkis about the


Oh, If The Founders Only Knew

Slowly, ever so slowly (well, quicker in the past seven years, but mostly it’s slowly), the office of the president has become less executive and more strongman. Congress needs to grow a pair and get some of its constitutional power back.


Fixing the Education System

As with the weather, many people complain about the state of education but don’t really offer up suggestions for changing it. Here’s one proposal to overhaul the current system.


Saving Mortgages After the Bailout

Now that we have a bailout package, we need to turn our attention to those being most directly affected by the financial meltdown: the people living with risky mortgages. Here are some suggestions.


Enough! No More Bailouts

I’m sick of it. I manage my money. What debt I have I pay off…I’m never late. I read the contracts I sign. So, why is it that time-after-time I have to help bailout both scammers and the taken? Enough! When do I get something back?


Why Attack Ads Matter

I loathe political attack ads. They don’t contribute to the constructive debate and are often such a conglomeration of out-of-context snippets (I …