On June 24, 2013, we had an annoying little outage that affected all the WordPress sites on this domain. It ultimately came down to a DNS subdomain issue that mysteriously reared its head after a few years of non-eventfulness. Once it was figured out, a simple change of settings set things straight. Sorry for any inconvenience.
As you can see, I’m in the process of updating the site. Why? To make it natively more phone/tablet friendly. To have … → March 6, 2013
Moving Day Down Time
There were a few hours of downtime between 11:00pm MDT on Sunday May 20, 2012 and around 3:00am MDT on Monday May …
Read more...Page Not Found Goof
For a few hours only the home page could be reached. All other posts got a “Page Not Found” error. This was …
Read more...Grrr…. spambots
Starting to get a lot of spambots registering on the site. It’s taking time every day to clean up. If it continues, …
Read more...Forum in Transition
The Forum has been locked, i.e. made read-only. The reason: I’m planning on changing my default forum. Since there isn’t a quick-and-dirty way to move the data from the old forum to the new, I’m keeping the old one available so those interested can still read the posts.
Read more...Glitch Patching
Brief downtime on July 16, 2011 of all cjcs.com WordPress sites due to a code bug in one of the WordPress routines. A quick patch was spackled on and everything seems to be back up again. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Read more...Plugin Hiccough
One of my installed plugins had a bug after an update that caused some erroneous email to be sent (sorry about that). …
Read more...Ad Manager Re-do
I’ve dropped my long-time ad manager as it wasn’t playing nice anymore. I don’t have a replacement lined up at this moment, …
Read more...Ad Issues
I’ve been having issues with my ad-serving plugin after a version update. I’m trying to resolve this. Except for some formatting/aesthetic issues, …
TIB Has Moved – The Migration Experience to WordPress 3.0
For good or for ill, I’ve moved TIB over to Wordpress 3.0. What does this mean? For you guys, it pretty much just means that instead of typing “http://cjcs.com/tib” you’ll be typing “https://tib.cjcs.com”. Hopefully that will be the only significant inconvenience you’ll have.
Read more...Database Issues – March 23, 2010
It looks like a couple of things got cross-linked in one of my databases during a tweak session. I think I’ve lost …
Read more...Temporary Outage
From 10:40am to 12:00pm on October 26, 2009, TIB experienced an outage that prevented the site from being accessible. Obviously, that has been fixed.
Read more...The Unplanned Host Swap
On the evening of September 7, 2009, the cjcs.com domain was taken offline–without warning–by its web host. September 8 saw me sign on with a different web host.
Read more...August 20/21, 2009 Outage
Seems my web host got hit by what they describe as a large DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack from multiple IP ranges. This started around 6pm MDT and lasted nearly twelve hours. I apologize for your frustration in trying to reach the site. I share your frustration
Read more...June 28, 2009 Outage
My apologies for this site being unavailable for at least 10 hours on June 28, 2009. A critical file on the T I B site which should never get mangled somehow got mangled. It happened at the worst possible time: right after I’d stopped personally monitoring the site for the day (hey, even I have to sleep at some point).
Read more...WordPress 2.8
I’ve installed the upgrade to WordPress 2.8 I don’t think anything broke except for the ratings plugin — which I had to …