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CJ, Page 25

Software: The Regulator 2.0 Regex Tester

The Regulator is a Windows program whose sole purpose is to test and learn and use regular expressions. Regular expressions are a way to describe how to search for text–and optionally to do a replacement or several. They can be daunting at first, but once you


TIB @ 1 E+3

Some thoughts on TIB with this, the one-thousandth entry. I’ve written a lot of words here over the years.


Ooh-rah For Catherine Bell

Every now and again, an actor becomes very associated with a role. Such is the case for Catherine Bell and the character she played on JAG for nine years, Lt. Colonel Sarah MacKenzie.


I’m So Tired of Congress

It’s hard to believe, but earlier in my lifetime the folks in Congress actually tried to govern. Really. As time has gone on, it stopped working. Compromise ceased to be. Over the past few decades, the power brokers have managed to cripple a critical piece of American government. I’m sad to see it happen.


2010-11 Maryland Women’s Basketball First Thoughts

It’s that time of year again. Classes have begun, the temperature is cooling, and a Terp’s thoughts turn to the Comcast Center and the upcoming women’s basketball season. Every year starts with the desire to win a national championship. Do the Terps have a shot, or is it Uconn/Tennessee/Baylor/Stanford’s to lose?


Great Firefly Comment

Seriously, what is it about science fiction shows getting really good in their third seasons? If this is actually a general rule of science fiction, I’m a little scared to imagine how