Some Fond Convenience Store Memories

Back in the long-time-ago, when I worked at 7-11, I tried to have fun where I could. Working alone on the graveyard shift afforded me a certain amount of latitude when it came to whimsy. For example, I used to give people change back in “dog change” (I multiplied by 7 in my head). “And you get back $1.47. That’s $10.29 in ‘dog change’.”

One night, a man came in for some milk. The gallon plastic jug slipped from his hand and it made a magnificent white splat when it exploded on the floor. My comment: “Well, no use crying over it.”

Even better, a guy in his early twenties rushed into the store. His pregnant wife was waiting in the car. He said, “You don’t have any bananas, right?” I sang, “Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas, today!” (You have to embrace it when life hands you a straight line like that.)

All true. And…I think we’ve touched on why I’ve had so much trouble landing “serious” jobs throughout my life.

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