The Bernard Pivot Quiz

pivot 280These 10 questions originally came from a French series, Bouillon de Culture hosted by Bernard Pivot. It is probably more familiar to many as the question James Lipton asks at the end of Inside the Actor’s Studio.

What is your favorite word?

Mi’jito. This is what I was called by my grandma and her sister and daughters when I was little… though I’m way too old for the appellation now, the memory of it reminds me of feeling safe and loved.

What is your least favorite word?

Impossible. I think of this label as a challenge… everything is impossible, until it isn’t.

What turns you on?

People getting along.

What turns you off?


What sound do you love?


What sound do you hate?

A persistent almost sub-sonic rumble.

What profession other than yours would you most like to try?

Teacher…to students who want to learn.

What profession would you least like to try?

Care provider (day-care, nursing home, etc.). Too taxing. Doing parental care is hard enough.

What’s your favorite curse word?

I don’t have a favorite, I use all the ones I know with great gusto…though I try to use the “clean” expletives most often in public (e.g., rats, nuts, etc.)

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

“You’re right, it’s much harder than it looks. You can have your job back–I don’t want it anymore.” (Yes, it’s a little flippant, but if you’re going to have delusions of grandeur, you might as well go for the truly satisfying ones).

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