Feeling Gassy
Who do I blame for the absurd gas prices we are experiencing? Two groups: the oil companies and the American people. The one I blame most? The American people. Why? Because, for the most part in regards to this resource, you are idiots.
Strong words? I hope so.
Who do I blame for the absurd gas prices we are experiencing? Two groups: the oil companies and the American people. The one I blame most? The American people. Why? Because, for the most part in regards to this resource, you are idiots.
Strong words? I hope so. People were up in arms last year when gas was just crossing $3.00 a gallon. This year, as we’ve blown that out of the water, there is just resigned annoyance by most. I don’t know…maybe it’s guilt. I mean, if you are driving a General Fordler 350(0) monster pickup, not to haul around construction equipment or a heavy trailer, but to commute to work, then you are to blame. The family with two children that drives a four-wheel-drive SUV with the glitz option when an ordinary sedan would work as well…then you are to blame. To people who thought electing oilmen to run the White House was a good idea…then you are to blame. To everyone who isn’t writing to their representatives asking for oversight…then you are to blame.
And I’m to blame. While I use less than a tank of gas a month (through careful planning of driving), my cars don’t get more than an average 20mpg (and often less, if I’m not on the highway much).
So, here’s the deal America: stop being schmucks. When it’s time to change out your car(s), go as energy efficient as you can get away with. While pickup trucks are darned useful things to have, few people need the monsters that are on the road. While I’m not saying that you need a foreign toy truck, let’s not go too nuts with the size thing, OK? And civilization proceeded just fine without SUVs as a suburban status symbol. Unless you have a family of four or more kids, there’s no reason for it.
This all isn’t to say that there isn’t plenty of greed with the oil barons. When quarter after quarter we see not only record revenues, but record PROFITS, then clearly there is something amiss. Just look at this chart for the past year:
For the most part, gas prices are tracking with crude oil prices (I have some issues with the spot oil market, but that’s for another time). But look at the end of March. They stopped tracking. Crude oil prices have remained more-or-less flat while gas prices have risen some 32%. All of us are taking hits to the pocketbook. Even the folks at Wall-box-store (of all people) are complaining that customers aren’t spending as much because the money is being siphoned off to pay for gasoline.
Write, call, email, fax, meet in person your Congressmen and Senators (I wouldn’t even bother with the White House guys) and try to prompt them to action. Put those forever stamps you just bought to good use!
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