We Commend Thee, Kay Yow (1942-2009)

The world of basketball rightfully paused with the news that Kay Yow, NC State’s legendary basketball head coach, died early on Saturday, January 24, 2009. Much has been written kayyow01-240about her accomplishments, so I’ll not repeat them here. Just a couple of comments.

I got to know two different Kay Yows during the heady days of the 1980s as women’s basketball was starting to establish itself in the NCAA. I met Ms Yow on a few occasions and always found her to be a nice person who I was happy to share some time with. On the other hand, if ever there was a more despised nemesis for Maryland Women’s Basketball at the time, I can’t recall one. Yow’s Wolfpack always seemed to be standing in the path of Maryland’s desired goals. The word “thwart” comes to mind for more than one occasion.

Still, as great as Coach Yow’s legacy has been on the court, it is her ability to endure with grace the disease which ultimately took her life that will likely have the greatest impact. Coach Yow battled breast cancer starting in 1987. As a result of her stubborn refusal to wilt from this disease, we now have The Kay Yow / WBCA Cancer Fund whose mission is to be a part of finding answers in the fight against women’s cancers. I encourage you to make any donation you can (link).

Most of us don’t get to make too much of a difference. We just go on about our lives. Kay Yow wasn’t one of those people. She made a difference. She helped give young women futures via sports. But more than that, she helped (and will continue to help) women of all ages have futures in spite of cancer. Sandra Kay Yow made certain that her life mattered. I think she’s earned her rest.

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