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Protect Our Helium

We are running out of helium. That light gas that floats kids balloons and raises the pitch of voices to heights of great hilarity is a limited natural resource on Earth. While it’s difficult to be certain, estimates has the US running out of helium by as soon as 2025 … just thirteen years from now, the worldwide supply a couple decades after that. We need to do something, quickly.


A Few Preliminary Thoughts On the Economic Mess

President Obama inherited on big ol’ pile of poo. Not only did his poopy-headed predecessor aid in constructing a culture of criminal greed, but the very fabric of our economic cloth was shown to have become something akin to tissue paper. There are some industries that, I believe, should be looked at seriously as targets for some major, if not innovative, re-think.


The Future You Spoil

A poem, done in the same poetic meter that Dr. Seuss enjoyed, about the necessity of conservation of energy resources and saving something for future generations.