Thanks “In Plain Sight”, We’ll Miss Ya

The tv show In Plain Sight finished shooting its last episode Tuesday. While there are still more episodes to air, I reluctantly say good-bye to this series which I’ve watched since ep1.

One of the distinguishing things about the show was that it was filmed in Albuquerque. In fact, the town was as much a character as some of the humans. I enjoyed try to guess locations and wagging my finger when it wasn’t exactly correct. I also enjoyed screaming at the screen when a character would say something like “the 25” or “the 40” like they do in L.A. Albuquerque folk don’t say it like that…and thus, the screaming.

I never ran across any of the actors (oh well) or location shoots. Though, to be fair, when we where warned there was a location shoot, I’d avoid the area. As occasionally disruptive as these were, I’m definitely going to miss having this production in town. I can’t think of better advertising for the Duke City.

I’d like to thank the crew for their hard work over the years. These people, the ones who are first-in and last-out, don’t usually get the recognition that the “above-the-line” people get, but without them, there’s no production. Muchas gracias, y’all.

And lastly, I want to thank Mary McCormack who, indirectly because of In Plain Sight, gave Craig Ferguson his now iconic rattlesnake mug. (you can skip to the 1:24 mark)

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