TTSCC Scenes I’d Like to See (Part 5) – Veritas

I, like many fans of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, have our own ideas of how things sort of work in the TTSCC timeline(s) we’ve been given. Understandably, we have scenes or stories that we’d like to see. Usually, they never happen because we aren’t privy to the creative plans of the creative staff. This doesn’t mean that we are bound to suffer in silence. I’ve been a part of many fandoms going back to the original Star Trek series, and I’ve never known the imaginative fans to keep quiet about what they are thinking. Given the pieces of fanfic I’ve written in the past, I think it’s safe to say that I’m part of that not-keeping-quiet group.

[WARNING: Should staffers connected with TTSCC be reading this, your legal department will probably want you to abandon this blog now (not that I’d know one way or the other). Creative scenes will be outlined or written below. Frankly, I’d don’t care if you see them or not, but I don’t want you to get into trouble if you do. I’ll view it as a happy coincidence that I stumbled upon anything that has popped up in your meetings.]

So, instead of being all dry and texty as usual, I’m going to revert back to the writing form I’m happiest using: the screenplay. Please, don’t expect anything even remotely good…I haven’t written seriously in this form in years, and like anything else it takes practice to maintain one’s skills.


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In the season 2 episode, “Ourselves Alone”, John has a confrontation with Riley immediately have he saves her from Cameron possibly terminating her.  John gives Riley one last opportunity to confess her secrets to him. In the episode, Sarah comes out and watches, which results in any confession being squelched. While what follows in the aired episode is very entertaining, I (and a few other fans) couldn’t help but wonder—what if Sarah hadn’t broken the mood John had set up? What if Riley actually abandoned the lies?

This scene is the result of that what-if. It starts just as the aired episode, but at the point where Sarah originally entered the scene, I took off on my own flight of fancy.


JOHN and RILEY are on the driveway under the house and away from the porch, out of easy earshot of everyone. Riley is skittish, having just been rescued from a very scary Cameron. John is focused and serious…but still concerned.


I didn’t make that call.


I know that. I believe you. Really. Riley, is there anything you want to tell me?


About what?


About anything. Is there anything you want to tell me?




Because today is the day. Today is the day where you tell me whatever it is that you might want to tell me…today.

Riley thinks about it.


Maybe I can help.

Riley focuses on John, tears in her eyes. John waits.



John wants to prompt her, but just looks serious but compassionate. Riley can’t look him in the eyes. Finally:


I’m… Do you remember when I said– on the day we met– when I said “carrots and apples”?


You said it was a saying or something.


Yeah. It is. Where I come from…in 2027.

John’s not surprised.


You’re not surprised.


No. Not really. What else?


I didn’t want to do it. Not to you. I just wanted to see what it was like, you know, before.


Do what?

A creature of perfect timing, CAMERON walks out of the garage, her eyes on Riley. Riley’s eyes fill with fear as they stay on Cameron as well. John turns to see Cameron and turns back to Riley.


Riley. Look at me. I promise she won’t lay a finger on you as long as you tell me the truth.

Riley’s eyes keep darting back to the still-approaching Cameron.


Tell me the truth, and you’ll get to live. But you have to tell me now.

Riley closes her eyes, sending tears down her cheeks. She nods. John puts his arm around Riley and turns toward Cameron.


We’re going to go inside. Riley has something she wants to tell us.

Cameron stops.

INT. kitchen — DAY

SARAH and CAMERON stand while JOHN and RILEY sit. All eyes are on Riley, who is calmer than she was outside.


I grew up in the tunnels. After Judgement Day. As long as you stay out of the way and weren’t too picky about what you ate, it wasn’t too bad. The only time it was really hard was when the metal came.

Sarah glances at Cameron.


One day, one of the fighters came to me and offered to let me see what the world was like before.




She needed me to do something. To get close to you. To get you away from…

Riley can’t finish with Cameron staring at her.


Why were you trying to get John away from Cameron?


You have to understand. I didn’t know. I’m nobody.


Who recruited you?

Riley doesn’t want to say.


You have to tell me all of it. That was our deal.


Jesse. Jesse Flores.


(to Cameron)

You know her?

Cameron thinks.


Yes. Tac-com Jesse Flores. Australian national who joined your forces in 2027 after surviving a biological weapon that almost killed her and Derek Reese.




Yes. They developed an intimate relationship just before his capture by Skynet.


Did you see him with this Jesse?


I’ve never seen her with anyone else.


So, she came back with you?

Riley nods.


Why did she want you to come between me and Cameron?


She says that you don’t spend time with your generals anymore. Just her [Cameron]. We’re losing because of her.


Is that true?


Is this something you know about?


Altough it gives the resistance the advantage, John’s reprogramming of terminators isn’t well received. There have been incidents that resulted in deaths. Your top generals are still loyal, but security required that few others know the details.


Because Skynet would counter what we were doing.




John? What’s going to happen?


I’m not sure. If you’re telling me the truth, then you have my word that I won’t let anything happen to you.


She’s still a threat.


(to Cameron)

As long as she tells us the truth, you won’t harm her. Promise me.


(a beat)

I promise.

Sarah steps forward.


I appreciate your situation, but understand this: if you bring danger to any one of us, including Cameron… the terminator will be the least of your worries. Do you understand?

No one can scare a teenager like a protective mom.

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